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Here at Calvary we will not be attempting to coerce or "guilt" you into giving because we do not think that God is broke, nor do we think it is right or biblical to manipulate people to ask for money in such ways. We do believe in keeping people aware of needs and providing them joyful and worshipful opportunities to give.


Paul said in 2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." We know that we need money to get things done, but we believe that as someone is obedient and grows in generosity God creates a cheerful heart that drives the giving!  This is the place where we get to give back some of what God has blessed us with! God has done a TREMENDOUS work in the area of finances in our church and He is just getting started. Become a part of the great work that God is doing!

ways you can give:



You can give in person, using the offering box located in the back of our sanctuary.


You can give by phone! Just text any dollar amount to 84321


You can give online by using the link below.

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